Ilkka, pääseekö Ilari?
Ei pääse, omat treenit… yritin maskista porukkaa mut vielä ei oo tärpännyt…
Mä en välttämättä kerkee ihan kuudeksi,
lapsenvahtivuorosta johtuen.
Mut tulossa kyllä
Tuun kokeilee miten silmä kestää ulkona pelaamisen...
In jos 6 ja ei sada
Miltä näyttää sää Espoossa? Täällä ei vielä sada...
Ei sada vielä Espoossa
Alkoi jo hieman sataa
Hello, thank you for the great matches over the years. I’m moving back to Arizona end of June. I really enjoyed playing with and against all of you. My knee is still a few months away but hopefully playing again at some point😊 best regards, Dereck
Thanks Dereck for all the games and all the best for the future! I however have my doubts that you will be able to find games in Arizona at the same level as we have in TU.
Thanks also to you for great games here in Tuomarila and good luck to Arizona :)
Dereck, what is going on, are we not paying you enough from TU. I will discuss with Seppo and we will make you a deal that you can't say no!
"Butler" we will miss you in our games but I understand that now it's time for your parents. All the best for you!
If you go to see SummerLeague have a big Finnish flag with you and I will pick you from the audience 🇫🇮.
Dereck, we will remember you as a magical coast to coast player and three point shooter. Good luck for new challenges. And remember our slogan "lets play hockey"!
Sad to hear, you will be greatly missed, my friend. If we had numbers, yours would certainly be frozen. Is there an e-mail that I can use to reach out to you whenever in Arizona?
Thank you for the kind words everyone! My email is dereck_shrader(miuku)outlook(piste)com. If in Arizona , let me know and we can play some basketball 🏀
I also hope that you will support Biden for November elections :)
Otan meidän 14v junnun mukaan (Ilari)
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